What Should You Do if You Are in An Accident with an Underinsured or Uninsured Driver?

Illinois requires that all drivers have insurance coverage to legally operate a vehicle on Illinois roads. While this requirement should ensure that all drivers have access to the relief they need following an accident, there are cases where you get into a car accident with someone, and they are an uninsured or underinsured driver. This can be especially problematic, as many individuals may worry that since the driver who hit them was uninsured, there is no chance they will be able to pursue compensation. However, you may be surprised that all hope is not lost even in these scenarios. Contact a personal injury lawyer to see what options may be available to you at this time.

Here is What You Should Do

First, you should call the police. The police report will be a vital piece of evidence and can provide an unbiased account of what transpired at the accident scene. Essentially, reports provide a record of what happened to ensure there are no misunderstandings.

Second, it is incredibly important to swap information with a driver. Although the driver may be uninsured or underinsured, getting their identity name and contact information is worth it. Write down any and all information you can about the circumstances before, during, and after the accident. Also, recording information about the uninsured driver’s car will be helpful as you move through your case. Essentially, the more information you have on the situation, the more likely it is to achieve a favorable case outcome.

Thirdly, make sure you do not, under any circumstances, accept money from the uninsured driver. It is not uncommon for uninsured drivers to offer large amounts of cash to the individual they got into an accident with. At first, it may seem like their cash offer is fair. However, in reality, what they offer in cash may be considerably lower than what may be owed to you. Remember, you are always better off refusing any cash they offer and instead, pursuing compensation through legal means.

Finally, do not prematurely accept a settlement offer from the insurance company, as this may result in you missing out on the compensation you may have otherwise received. Instead, be patient and prudent as you approach this situation. While it makes sense to be itching to accept the first settlement offer that comes your way, discuss your options with your attorney to see what course of action is right for you.

Contact a Cook County Personal Injury Lawyer

Contact the experienced Schaumburg personal injury attorneys with Vito & Dollenmaier Law for legal counsel in this matter. Call 224-539-8821 for a free consultation.